December Member’s Evening:

Our Christmas members evening will be held on Wednesday 4th December.

The entertainment will be our annual quiz, hosted for the second year by Quiz Master, Brian Hudson and it has been designed to be fun and not too challenging!!

You can form a team in advance or join together with other members on the night.

Ledbury Amateur Dramatic Society, Ledbury, LADS, plays, film screenings and theatre productions, Ledbury amateur dramatic, Herefordshire

This will be a great evening with complimentary mulled wine and festive nibbles for everyone and prizes for the winning team.

As it’s Christmas please feel free to wear your Christmas jumpers, tinsel or festive headwear.

The bar will be open from 7pm for half price drinks and the quiz will start at 7.30pm.

Upcoming Auditions

Ledbury Amateur Dramatic Society, Ledbury, LADS, plays, film screenings and theatre productions, Ledbury amateur dramatic, Herefordshire