Ledbury Amateur Dramatic Society, Ledbury, LADS, plays, film screenings and theatre productions, Ledbury amateur dramatic, Herefordshire

Hello everyone,

What a very busy couple of months we’ve had at the theatre. I would like to thank everybody both front of house and behind the scenes for all of their hard work in running the theatre. We certainly couldn’t do it without you .

As you will see from this newsletter there is plenty more going on over the next couple of months so please do get involved if you can.

Sally Watson – Chairman LADS & The Market Theatre.

Drama Festival:

The Herefordshire County Drama Festival was held at the theatre again this year on 15th and 16th March. LADS had two entries – Contractions by Mike Bartlett, directed by Nigel Higgs, and The Gallery, written and directed by Catherine Crosswell.

I am delighted to tell you that The Gallery came first, and Jonathan Stephens won the Best Actor award. They progress to the All-England Theatre Festival semi-finals at the Mitchell Arts Centre, Stoke-on-Trent on 4th and 5th May; LADS will be performing second in the 7pm session on Sat 4th.

The cast would love some friendly faces in the audience so to book tickets (£12 for one session, £18 for whole day) please contact the box office on 01782 409307 / Contractions also did brilliantly – they were placed second and Katisha Harris won the Best Actress award.

Congratulations to everyone involved, especially to the LADS tech team lead by Dave Coker.

Membership Renewal:

LADS memberships are due for renewal by 1st June 2024. You will soon receive information about the renewal process from our Membership Administrator, Tony Evans so keep your eyes peeled – we would hate to lose you.

Members’ Meetings:

CHANGE OF DATE FOR MAY MEETING: Owing to the Live Screening of Carmen on Wednesday 1st May, our next Members’ meeting will be held on: Wednesday 8th May. At this meeting we will be treated to a performance of the LADS award-winning play The Gallery by Catherine Crosswell which will have just been performed at the All-England Theatre Festival semi-final.

Our June meeting will be held on Wednesday 5th June and will be the rearranged murder mystery event which couldn’t go ahead in February. It has a Wild West theme, which gives lots of scope for dressing up and even some acting! This event is being organised by Heather Cambridge and you MUST contact her in advance so you can be assigned a character.

Hereford County Drama Festival | Ledbury Amateur Dramatic Society, Ledbury, LADS, plays, film screenings and theatre productions, Ledbury amateur dramatic, Herefordshire
Ledbury Amateur Dramatic Society, Ledbury, LADS, plays, film screenings and theatre productions, Ledbury amateur dramatic, Herefordshire

If you wish to attend this event, please contact Heather either by email or phone.
Email: Tel: 07802 652731

For all meetings the bar will open at 7pm for half-price drinks for members and the activities will commence at 7.30pm.

Spring Production:

LADS Spring production Daisy Pulls It Off! by Denise Deegan was performed last week at the theatre and what a fantastic production it was. Huge congratulations to director, Heather Cambridge, producer Shirley Lewis and all of the cast and crew. It was totally spiffing!

June Production:

Unfortunately, we were unable to cast the proposed June production of It Could Be Any One Of Us. Occasionally this happens and it is very disappointing for everyone involved but hopefully we will be able to cast this play in the future.

Pantomime 2025:

I am delighted to announce that Hettie Guilding will be directing the LADS 2025 pantomime, which this year, for the first time in LADS’ history, will be . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beauty and the Beast – the Pantomime.

Further details will follow in due course.


Can you help?


Community Day:

Ledbury Community Day will be on Saturday 8th June this year. It is a wonderful opportunity for LADS to promote the theatre, our productions and membership. Charlie Smart is organising our stand for this event and if you are interested in helping out, please contact him. Email: Tel: 01531 671260

Summer BBQ:

Instead of a Members’ Meeting in August we hold a summer BBQ, and we are looking for someone to host the event. Usually held on a Saturday on Sunday in August, the date and time would be up to you. If you would be prepared to host this lovely event, please get in touch with me to discuss . Email Tel: 07793 315954

Ledbury Carnival:

Ledbury Carnival will be held on Bank Holiday Monday, 26th August and this year the theme is ‘Ledbury Goes Gold’ celebrating the Carnival’s 50th year. Hettie would like to take a step back this year from the main organisation for LADS but is very willing to offer support to anyone willing to take on this project. Taking part in the Carnival is a great way to promote what is happening at the theatre, and we have the opportunity to enter a float into the parade and have a stand promoting LADS in the High Street. If you are interested in taking this on, please contact Hettie for more information. Email: Tel: 01531 670216


Required: Is anyone able to provide accommodation for two lovely ladies who are performing at the theatre on Saturday 23rd November? They would require separate rooms please. If you are able to help, please contact Paul Graham. Email: Tel: 01531 633760

Food for Artistes:

Occasionally, perhaps about five times a year, some of the professional performers at the theatre require a light meal to be provided. Our Artistic Director, Paul Graham, is looking for someone, or perhaps a pool of people, who would be prepared to provide meals as and when required. If you think you can help or would like more details, please contact Paul.
Email: Tel: 01531 633760

Building Works:

Over the last few weeks we have had some building work done to extend what is currently the bar store into the void over the stairs to the control room. In June further building work will be undertaken to create storage space under the control room stairs and to reorganise and increase storage in the servery. The aim of all of this is that by the end of the summer we will have space to store all of our set on site which will save on storage and transport costs and make set building much easier. Thank you to Craig Watson for organising all of this work.

Change of Codes:

Every now and again we change the theatre access codes to ensure our building remains as secure as possible. The key safe code, alarm code and back door access code will all be changed very soon and anyone who needs the new codes will be notified. If however, you do arrive at the theatre and are unable to gain access please contact Craig on 07598 268129.

Tech Team Update from David Coker:

The tech team has primarily been occupied since the panto with preparing for and participating in the Drama Festival and then Daisy Pulls It Off!. There were a few bumps in the run-up to the Festival, but six teams did the Festival proud, and Saturday evening was sold out. Sound and lighting for Daisy were fairly complex: lighting started with around 15 lighting changes and ended with about 85! However, the rehearsals were much assisted by having director Heather on the headphones system we have recently installed. Paul Graham’s initial grant application for the cost of more LED lanterns was rejected because our projected carbon saving was ‘only’ 0.4 tonnes/year – the grant body wants a whole tonne! So we will now try for even more money, to replace even more old lanterns.

Your Board of Directors 2023/24:

Hilary Benoit 07743 093529
Nigel Higgs 07766 396345
Sue Bettington 01531 633297
Charles Smart 01531 671260
Heather Cambridge* 07802 652731
Pat Strauss (Treasurer) “ 631731
Paul Graham 01531 633760
Craig Watson ** 07598 268129
Hettie Guilding “ 670216
Sally Watson (Chair) 07793 315954

*Vice Chair LADS **Vice Chair Policies & Compliance

Non-Board Positions:

David Coker – Company Administrator 01531 636663
Tony Evans – Membership Administrator 01531 632597
Hannah Compton – Front of House Co-ordinator 07584 411670